Dear Satyrdagg family, friends, fans and supporters,

Firstly, we all want to thank you deeply for all of the support you have shown for this project since it’s inception. Thank you for attending shows, streaming music, spreading the word to friends, and especially, as pertains to this announcement, for your financial support in the ongoing creation of the “Satyrdagg” album. It is high time you received an update.

As we near the final stages of production, I am staggered by the immensity of this whole project. We have had four different full days in the studio, several days of remote tracking sessions, and hours of planning and arranging amongst the recording process. Each session - involving separate groups of up to 7 different individuals with extremely busy schedules - has required precise planning far in advance of the date, and the entire process has become vastly more protracted than we initially anticipated.

Furthermore, while we have received incredible financial support from our fans and community, an album is a massive financial undertaking, the majority of which is self-funded. In a music industry that no longer compensates artists for digital consumption of their product, and in which venues with serious crowd access no longer offer any kind of sustainable pay, it is no quick feat to fund a $10-12,000 recording project.

All this said, we have accomplished, to this date:

- Two full days of rhythm section tracking (Bass, Piano, Drums, Percussion)

- A full day of tracking vocals (Tenor, Alto, Alto)

- A full day of tracking horns (Trombone, Trumpet, Saxophones, and Flutes)

- A full day of percussion overdubs (too many instruments to name)

- Days of remote tracking Drums, guitar, upright bass

All that remains to be recorded are horn solos and a few minor recording edits, before we send the tracks to be mixed and mastered by a capable engineer.

Everyone who donated to the fundraising campaign should expect their respective donation rewards (t-shirt, full album, specialized track) to arrive in the summer of 2025.

Thank you again, for your ongoing support.

  - Mowgli